The Bark Magazine
Managing Editor, Art Director, and Writer
2019 to 2023
Around since The Arbutus Club's inception in 1964, The Bark is a quarterly publication that gives Members a glimpse into the life and culture of the Club. The magazine features an in-depth look at the events, recreation programming, food & beverage offerings, Members, and community that make the Club a home away from home.
Managing Editor, Design Lead, & Contributor
As one of the primary communication tools for The Arbutus Club, the Communications team sought to elevate and expand the content available on the pages of the magazine. Prior to my arrival, the magazine was limited in scope, often housing advertisements for upcoming events and formal notices. The overall aim was to increase readership, broaden the accessibility of information, and generate a strong sense of community through the publication’s content.
As the Managing Editor and Design Lead of The Bark, I was responsible for leading the Communications team from ideation to execution to production. I ensured the publication’s content initiatives tie directly to our organisation’s goals and showcased the culture and community of the Club.
Overseeing the comprehensive management of the project required contributor idea generation sessions, editorial writing, copyediting, photography, layout design, and readying the publication for print, allowed for an incredibly intimate understanding of the necessary steps to create and publish a magazine.
Working with a Communications and Design Specialist, I guided contributors through content ideation in line with the theme of the issue and wrote articles alongside our departmental stakeholders. Once the content was edited by myself and the Communications team, the articles would be in their final form; a flatplan of the magazine would determine the magazine’s structure. Working closely with another graphic designer, I would assign layouts to be produced, which often involved the sourcing and processing of images, formatting type, and the application of typography, illustration, and design elements. Following a rigorous review process, I would manage the preparing, uploading, and technically approving pages for print.
InDesign, Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, Canadian Style Guide
A major facet of overseeing the production of The Bark was the analysis of the type of content that performed well and was the best received by our audience. Putting metrics behind our decision-making helped the print publication become a cornerstone of the Club’s culture, which is no easy feat in an increasingly digital world. For instance, readership and circulation of the magazine increased exponentially, which was a direct result of incorporating more of the Club’s members as contributors to the magazine; the community at The Arbutus Club wanted to see themselves featured more in the editorial content and photography of the magazine.